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Saturday 23 February 2013

Thank you!

 Greetings to all  my friends - known and unknown, 
thank you for supporting me 
and reading my blog, I really appreciate it! So how have you all been? 
I hope you all a happy year, and I hope my drawings
 can help you relax after a hard days work and maybe give 
some ideas.   

So back to the topic, this is one of my newest creation, 
even though I still haven't named her but, I think 
everyone calling her something else is quite cool too. 
So of course you can all call her different things, though in her
heart she will be herself, and names aren't the most important thing 
to a human, recognizing a persons personality equals actually knowing 
the person so, create your own stories! 

Haha, once again, I'm off topic! So this is a picture I drew in 
the summer holidays, on the bed, and this isn't the first copy, this is the 
edited version and done (drawn) by a app on my iPad. 
I also think that trying different types of drawing styles can let you 
experience more. So just don't sit there and do the same thing over and over, 
sometimes its good, but often try something exciting and 
you'll find something you will like! 

It feels like I have soooo much to tell you all about, and I just can't
stop! But I'll put some more on the next post, and once again, 
I thank you all for reading my blog!

Stars of the Sky 

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