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Thursday 28 February 2013


Hi everyone, once again I am back again! 
I was meaning to post this picture last year, but never got the chance to. 
So I'm posting it today! Well, Akaly was kinda one of my 
best drawn ones, and I really like how he was drawn. Of course, 
I am not a person who criticizes their own work. And you know that because I
made a blog just for my pictures! ^^

Okay, and lets go back to the picture. I drew him at night, 
I think it was around 12:30 p.m. when I finished, and I drew that late 
because I had an inspiration. So when ever you have an idea, jot it down 
or draw it immediately, or "it'll fly away" as one author has said. 

So i hope you all like him, and hopefully I'll have more idea's soon!


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